Billie Allcock Intro

Billie Allcock Intro
Hello my lovely people, 
I am so excited to show and document my pregnancy and the challenges I have faced. Before we get that far let me give you a little background on me!
I am Billie I am a 21-year-old body positivity activist. I live in a Shropshire in a small village; I live with my partner Josh and my lovely rescue pup Gracie. 
For a long time I have wanted to be a mum but never knew when the right time would be until May 2019 then that’s when I realised it was happening sooner than expected.
Being a young mum was always terrifying to me but not being a good mum was an even bigger scare to me.


During pregnancy I have had my fair share of struggles but also the most beautiful moments I’ll never forget! I am excited to share with you my antenatal depression, miscarriage scares, the first kicks and movements, baby shopping, choosing names and the many hospital visits that occur during pregnancy.
These are such precious times and moments to cherish the good and the bad, we all experience our own struggles and I am going to share mine with you!
Who would think having a baby would be easy aye?
Be sure to look out for my next post

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