My Pregnancy Story - Nadiia

Today is 22.07.2018 and exactly 2 years since I found out that I was pregnant.
The day before, 21.07.2016 in Budapest, I applied for my UK student visa to start my MBA studies at the University of Liverpool. I had plenty of plans and was super excited because of the forthcoming year. I was dating a man from the UK and living in the same country was a good chance for our relationship.
When we started to date, I attended the doctors to get the pill, but all doctors I visited said to me that I probably will never have kids as there are some issues with my health. As pregnancy was not in my nearest plan I did not think about it seriously. However, I had to...The next day, 22.07.2016 I met my friend, we drunk a couple glasses of wine, I was waiting for my BF to arrive in Budapest for a weekend and was just enjoying my time. Why Did I buy pregnancy test? I don’t know. I just did it.
At 9 pm, just before leaving to go to the airport to meet my bf, I took the test, and it was positive. Remember those seconds, when you see one line then the second. What did I feel? It can’t be true; however, it was.
I called my friend with the speech “you will never believe...” but she guessed from the first attempt. In 20 min she was near me with three more tests. ( still don’t get how she was able to manage it at 9 pm when everything was already closed). Those tests showed the same result. I was pregnant. The only thing that I wanted at that moment was to take a cigarette and drink whiskey.
My pregnancy was ideal, but I did not enjoy it. I could not believe I was going to be mum.
I was hardly studying, did not sleep when I had deadlines. Even helped my classmate with their assignments at 4 am in the morning. I just refused to accept the fact I was pregnant.
Remember in the evening of 14.03.2017 while I started to have contractions I was on the phone discussing the presentation for our innovation class. 5 hours later I delivered my Leo. Now I can’t even imagine my life without my beautiful son. I believe that kids select parents and I can’t imagine how this beautiful boy selected me to be his mum.
Today two years later everything is very different. I broke up with my bf, I moved away from the UK, found a job, quit the job. Moved again to another city. Started my business. And guess what? I am happy. During the last two years, I lived in three countries, obtained an MBA degree, delivered a baby and started to work when my small was only five months old. Women can do everything! If someone would let me change my 22.07, I would never accept this offer!
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