Pregnancy by Week - Week 13-16
Month 3-4
At 3 months pregnant you are just entering your second trimester. Your baby bump is becoming more obvious and adding extra weight on your body. Now is the time to take care of your posture so you can balance the weight evenly, and make sure you have plenty of supportive cushions when you’re lying down.
Sharp pains in your abdomen, hips and groin are normal at this point. This is because your uterus is growing and stretching your round ligaments, and your baby is now able to kick, punch and turn around.
You might notice your early symptoms starting to subside, but new ones could emerge. You may start experiencing:
- Skin changes. The rise of hormones in your body can have an effect on your skin. Usually this means that certain areas get darker, particularly nipples, freckles and birthmarks. Your skin is also more sensitive when you’re pregnant, so staying out of the sun and wearing high-factor sun cream is important.
- Vaginal discharge. Increased discharge is normal when you're pregnant. Anything thin, odourless and clear is nothing to worry about. If there’s an unpleasant smell or it’s a green or yellow colour, tell your doctor or midwife.
- Better hair. Not all symptoms are bad! The rush of hormones during pregnancy often give you thicker, shinier hair.
Your baby can now hear and respond to noises outside the uterus, so you might want to try talking to them or playing soothing music.
From week 13 your baby is already the size of a lemon. Over the next couple of weeks your little one grows into the same size as a peach and an apple, before reaching the stage of an avocado at the end of your second month.
Your clever bundle of joy can now make a fist and suck their thumb!
Putting weight on at this stage is completely normal, but your midwife will monitor this if you have any concerns. ‘Eating for two’ is just a myth, so it’s best to stick to a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly if you can.
- Get your MATB1 from your midwife. This confirms your pregnancy at 20 weeks and allows you to claim maternity benefits.
- Start thinking about baby names. Whether you find out the sex of your baby or not, it’s a good time to start thinking about what you would like to call your son or daughter.
- Miss the signs of preeclampsia. This condition usually presents itself from week 20 of pregnancy, so watch out for symptoms like swelling, headaches and vision problems.
- Forget to plan your gender reveal party. If you’re finding out the sex and you want to celebrate, make sure you plan a party as soon as possible – you don’t want to wait longer than you need to!