Pregnancy Week by Week - Week 25-28

Month 6
At 6 months pregnant you are reaching the end of your second trimester. At this point you may start experiencing symptoms you haven’t noticed before, such as swollen feet and ankles, hot flushes, leg cramps, heartburn and back pain.
As your bump grows your centre of gravity shifts and your lower back muscles work harder, causing you a lot of back pain. Keep your back supported with pillows, wear flat shoes and book in for a massage.
At this time your uterus is becoming heavier and putting more pressure on your body. This causes extra fluid in your body which will manifest in swollen feet and ankles. Keep your circulation going by taking walks or other gentle forms of exercise, and try drinking plenty of water to flush out the extra fluid.
By now you’re probably used to your little one kicking and squirming around, but they may start reacting to loud noises outside your belly.
Not only can they hear everything going on around them, but they can now open their eyes! They are also drinking from the amniotic fluid and passing urine.
Your bump starts this month the size of a butternut squash, roughly around 2 pounds. By the end of week 32, your baby is as big as a whole cabbage!
Decorating your newborn’s nursery is such an exciting time for new parents. With so many things to think about and so many choices to make, it’s a big task that will need some careful thought and planning to get it just right.
There are so many options when it comes to baby beds. You might wish to get a cot bed with removable sides to convert into a toddler bed as they get bigger. Bassinets and next to me sleepers are also good choices for newborns.
Investing in a good quality mattress will save you money in the long term. Getting a waterproof mattress cover will also keep it clean and in good condition.
Changing unit
Having a changing unit or mat in the nursery is an absolute must. These are usually inexpensive but can be a lifesaver in the middle of the night.
Practise labour techniques. For an easier and more relaxed birthing experience, practise any labour techniques you want to try in advance.
Look into hypnobirthing and doulas. Now is a good time to think about how you want to give birth. For some this may involve hiring a doula or trying hypnobirthing.
Stop talking to your partner. At 6 months pregnant, you may find yourself becoming more irritable or having a lower sex drive. Keep talking things through with your partner if there is any uncertainty.