25 Weeks Pregnant

How is Your Baby Growing at 25 Weeks?
Your baby is starting to move and kick a lot. Loud noises might make them jump and you’ll be able to feel this.
The urine that your baby is producing gets passed into the amniotic fluid and their skin is becoming smoother and more pigmented. Pigment is also depositing into the hair, giving it colour.
Your baby’s nostrils are now clear and they can start to practice proper nose breathing. Their hands are feet are becoming more dextrous.
How Big is Your Baby at 25 Weeks?
At week 25, your baby is 34.6 cm (about the size of a head of cauliflower) and weighs 660 g.
What Happens at 25 Weeks?
Around this time, your uterus is significantly larger and you might start to find it more difficult to move around. You may start to get out of breath more easily, but it’s important that you continue to practice gentle exercise each day.
What Symptoms Will You Have at 25 Weeks?
The symptoms that you experienced in week 24 will continue into week 25. You might also find that you are burping more than usual and you feel bloated. This is due to the pregnancy hormones and the increasing size of your uterus.