8 Tips for Dealing with Morning Sickness

It’s common to experience morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy. It’s probably caused by the sudden rise of pregnancy hormones in your body, and it usually goes away after the first trimester. But for some women, the experience can be bothersome. 


If you need help dealing with morning sickness (which, by the way, can happen at any time of day despite its name), we’ve listed some tips below. We hope they’ll help banish the nauseous, queasy feeling you have as you ease into a beautiful nine-month-long journey:

  1. Get plenty of sleep.

As your body changes during pregnancy, you must get enough sleep to recover. That can help your body deal better with hormonal spikes and reduce your morning sickness.


Napping during the day may help, but it’s best not to do it right after a meal, as that might worsen your bouts of nausea. If you work night shifts, try to wear a sleep mask during the day or put up blackout curtains in your bedroom to create a cosy and ideal environment for sleep.

  1. Avoid strong odours.

Whether it’s the whiff of the trash bin or the familiar smell of your husband’s perfume, certain scents can make you throw up in the early months of your pregnancy. That’s because you suddenly have high levels of estrogen hormones, which can heighten your sense of smell.


Leave the kitchen windows open to get rid of strong cooking odours. If the smell of toiletries makes you feel queasy, consider switching to unscented ones. Smells can also cling to fibres; it may be helpful to have your linens and clothes washed more often than usual. 

  1. Find food items that work for you.

Even if you don’t feel like eating, you still have to consume food and get enough nutrients. Plus, having an empty stomach can worsen that queasy, seasickness-like feeling you have. 


The trick is to look for food items that work for you. Many pregnant women find it easier to keep down certain food, like crackers and pretzels. On the other hand, fatty and spicy foods can easily upset expectant mums’ stomachs (but if they work for you, then, by all means, go and eat them!). Another tip is to eat in small portions to reduce the chance of throwing up. 

  1. Try ginger tea and snacks. 

Ginger has long been used to improve digestion and soothe stomach pain. So when you feel nauseous, drink cold ginger ale or sip ginger tea. You can try our Hot Tea Mama. It’s pregnancy tea specially made to help mums-to-be deal with morning sickness. Ginger soup and snacks like gingerbread, ginger cookies, or crystallised ginger candy may also help.

  1. Carry a survival kit.

No matter how many times it happens, puking in public will never be a pleasant experience. Make the situation bearable by carrying a survival kit. Pack a toiletry bag complete with your toothbrush, toothpaste and a bottle of mouthwash, so you can quickly freshen up. Add breath mints, lemon essential oil and a stash of dry snacks to your survival kit, too. 


Whether travelling or staying home, it’s also nice to have a Morning Sickness Care Package. That way, you can have all the things you need to stop feeling queasy quickly.

  1. Consider wearing an acupressure band.

Have you ever heard of an acupressure band? Many people wear it on boats, cars and planes to battle against seasickness or motion sickness. It works by applying light pressure on a spot inside the wrist that’s believed to be related to nausea and vomiting. If it works for many cruise passengers, why don’t you also give it a try? Our Morning Sickness Care Package could include a mum-to-be acupressure wrist band.

  1. Stay away from your computer for a while.

You may think checking your Facebook or browsing through articles online will distract you from the queasy feeling of morning sickness, but it may worsen your experience. A computer or tablet screen flickers rapidly and almost unnoticeably—and that can make you feel more nauseated. So try to take short breaks from the computer, especially if you don’t feel well.

If you need to continue working on your laptop while having morning sickness, try adjusting the screen to reduce eye strain. Adjust the brightness and make the fonts bolder and larger.

  1. Try to distract yourself with healthy activities.

First-trimester nausea is not easy to ignore. But maybe, you can do something to take your mind off it. Go for a short walk, catch up on your reading or take care of the plants. Light exercise can relieve nausea, but be sure to talk to your doctor before doing any workout.


More importantly, listen to your body. It’s good to distract yourself, but if you start feeling tired or more nauseous, take a break. Go and sip your favourite ginger tea or take a restful nap.


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